Welcome to MERSEY WAVE MUSIC Choir
Mersey Wave Music was founded in 2012 by pianist Jason Ellis and mezzo soprano Kathryn Rudge. We are a non-profit community interest company (C.I.C) based in Hale Village, South Liverpool, with Hale Village Hall as the home of the Mersey Wave Choir.
Weekly Music Groups
We are passionate about championing live music and education, encouraging and developing live music participation opportunities for people of adult age from all backgrounds and circumstances – without the need to read music – and the benefits this brings to a community and individual health and well-being. We welcome members from across Merseyside, Halton, Cheshire and Wales who participate in our weekly music groups and perform in Mersey Wave Concerts and Community events throughout the year.
Mersey Wave Music regularly organises and produces live music events and concerts. We also provide music and performances for events, local organisations and fundraisers for charitable causes. All of our activities are made possible through the generous support of our dedicated members, volunteers, audiences, venues, sponsors and donations.
Welcome to the choir! We’ve put together this pack for new members to make it easier and less daunting. With over 60 current members, it may take time to get to know everyone, so please be patient and do not be afraid to ask for help. Committee members are happy to answer any questions you may have, so please feel free to approach them.
Mersey Wave Music
Mersey Wave Music uses Choir Mate as the main means of online communication with members.
Please check the app regularly for important messages, current repertoire, rehearsal and event dates and helpful musical accompaniment for practice at home between rehearsals.
Please note that the music that you will be provided with remains the property of Mersey Wave Music and should be returned to the librarian should you cease to be a member of the choir.
Dress Code
For formal events such as concerts, we wear all black with red or blue scarves (for the ladies) or bow ties (for the men) available from Pat Lewis or Karl Atkinson.
Please also be aware that for all events we request that everyone has their music in burgundy folders.
Monthly Subscriptions
Subscriptions are payable on the 1st Wednesday Rehearsal of the month if paying by cash or the 1st of the month if paying by Standing Order. The current subscription is £15 a month which goes towards the running costs of the choir. The yearly subscription is £150, payable in September, saving £30. The Treasurer has the details for setting up a Standing Order and bank transfer details. Prompt payment is requested.
We offer 4 free taster sessions for you to decide if this is the choir for you and you won’t be asked to make a financial contribution till the following month. If you join after September, you can either choose to pay £15 per month or £12.50 per remaining month of the choir year (1/10/ – 31/9) if you pay for the remainder of the year in one payment and within a week of joining.
Choir etiquette
Choir rehearsals are a time when members come together to share the joy of music, practise our repertoire and prepare for upcoming performances.
If any person present at the rehearsal has a grievance within the choir, they should bring it to the attention of their section representative or a committee member before or after the rehearsal, so that it can be followed up appropriately.
Punctuality and attendance
Choir members are expected to attend rehearsals whenever possible. Long absences are at the discretion of the Musical Director.
Lack of attendance at rehearsals may prevent members from participating in performances.
Please be punctual when attending rehearsals and concerts for the benefit of all.
Sheet music
The copies of sheet music chosen for the current season are put into folders and then given out to choir members.
Members should bring them to each rehearsal.
After the Christmas and Summer seasons, the folders are returned for the new repertoire to be inserted.
All folders and sheet music are the property of Mersey Wave Music and must be returned if you leave the choir. Any lost folders must be replaced at the member’s own expense. You may write on your music in pencil and please erase your markings before returning the music. You are free to copy the music for your own benefit and can use pen or highlighters on your photocopies.
Social Media / Photo Release Agreement
I understand that as a member of the choir, photographs and videos may be taken during rehearsals and performances. I therefore give permission to Mersey Wave Music to use images and/or videos in which I appear.
I understand that images and videos may be used in publications, e-mail campaigns, programmes, newsletters and publicity such as newspapers, social media and the Mersey Wave Music website.
I hereby waive my right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future whether that use is known to me or not. I also waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of images or videos.
I have read this release before signing below, and I fully understand the contents, meaning and impact of this release. I understand that I am free to address specific questions regarding this release by submitting those questions in writing prior to signing, and I agree that my failure to do so will be interpreted as a free and knowledgeable acceptance of this release.
Name (please print): _______________________________________
Signed: _______________________________________
Date: ____/____/20_____
Please return this page only to your section representative.
Contact Details
If your contact details change it is important to let us know so we can update our records and make sure you don’t miss out on any important information / events.
If anything changes, please fill in this form and hand it to your section representative.
Name |
Section of Choir
Altos/ Soprano / Tenor/ Bass – (please circle) |
Address |
Contact Number |
In case of emergency contact |
E-mail address |
I confirm all the information is accurate Signature |
Date |