Young Singers

Mersey Wave Young Singers class:

For singers aged 7-19 who are new to music or who wish to improve their singing. Mersey Wave Young Singers group classes take place on Saturdays from 10am at Hale Village Hall, Liverpool, L24 4AE

Tutor: Kathryn RudgeYoungsingersadvert photo

Ability: Beginners – Intermediate

Day & time: TBA

Duration: 1 hour sessions

Membership subscription: £5 per class

Venue: Hale Village Hall, Liverpool L24 4AE

Description: During these groups the Young Singers learn songs from different musical styles and take part in creative musicianship exercises. We help them to learn to recognise rhythms and pitch and develop an understanding of aspects of vocal technique.  The Young Singers perform together as an ensemble and we also encourage the development of the creativity and communication of each singer and explore how to prepare for performances!

Ages 7-19

For more information or to  book a place please call 0151-558-1255 or e-mail