September 2019

Welcome back to all of the current Mersey Wave members – we hope you’ve had a great Summer break!  If you have just landed on our page and found us  – Hello!:)

Mersey Wave Choir practise takes place at Hale Village Hall weekly on Wednesdays 7-9pm and the Mersey Wave Young Singers Group is held at 10am on Saturday mornings at Hale Village Youth Centre.

Our regular practises resume again this week with choir at 7pm Wednesday 4th September 2019 at Hale Village Hall and Young Singers (6-17 years) begins on 21st September 2019.

Mersey Wave Music Choir Liverpool


Come and join us! 

If you would like to join a choir or if you know of a young person who loves to sing we would love to hear from you please get in touch.

There are also lots of ways to get involved with the work we do at Mersey Wave CIC – we always welcome volunteers, support and helpers  – especially at our live events.

Please call in and see us if you would like more information or e-mail and telephone 0151 558 1255.